HahniumHahniumRutherfordium and HahniumNew Element Hahnium, Atomic Number 105Element 105 Synthesized and Named Hahnium by Berkeley ResearchersOn-line Gas Phase Chromatography with Chlorides of Niobium and Hahnium (Element 105)On-line Gas Phase Chromatography with Chlorides of Niobium and Hahnium (Element 105) : Radiochimca ActaOn-line gas chromatographic studies of rutherfordium (Element 104), hahnium (Element 105), and homologsRelativistic and correlation effects for element 105 (hahnium, Ha): a comparative study of M and MO (M = Nb, Ta, Ha) using energy-ad...Relativistic effects in physics and chemistry of element 105. III. Electronic structure of hahnium oxyhalides as analogs of group 5 ...