Hallucinosis.hallucinosishallucinosisHallucinosis in idiopathic Parkinson's disease.Musical hallucinosis in acquired deafnessBrainstem auditory hallucinosisOndansetron for hallucinosis in advanced Parkinson's disease.Alcoholic hallucinosis: a psychiatric enigma--2. Follow-up studies.'Peduncular hallucinosis' following paramedian thalamic infarctionMusical hallucinosis in acquired deafnessPhenomenology and brain substrateAlcoholic Hallucinosis: a psychiatric enigma–1. The Development of an IdeaVisual hallucinosis: the major clinical determinant of distorted chromatic contour perception in Parkinson's diseaseEffects of lisuride and LSD on cerebral monoamine systems and hallucinosis.