- Meetings occurred in a somewhat haphazard fashion.
会见是以多少有点偶然的方式进行的。 - I don't like the haphazard way he does things.
我不喜欢他随意的办事方式。 - Why did you put the volumes of the encyclopedia in haphazard order?
- It is just a thing done at haphazard.
Kluge: The Haphazard Construction of the Human Mind
Haphazard wiring of simple receptive fields and orientation columns in visual cortex.
The opportunity costs of haphazard social investments in life-saving
Direct-to-consumer advertising: a haphazard approach to health promotion.
International Economic Sanctions: Improving the Haphazard U.S. Legal Regime
Medical malpractice experience of physicians. Predictable or haphazard?
This is your brain on evolution ('Kluge - The haphazard construction of the human mind')
The Assignment of American Executives Abroad: Systematic, Haphazard or Chaotic?
General hospital services for deliberate self-harm. Haphazard clinical provision, little research, no central strategy
Revisit on congenital bronchopulmonary vascular malformations: a haphazard branching theory of malinosculations and its clinical cla...