- I was very happy to work and fight alongside him.
同伯承一起共事,一起打仗,我的心情是非常愉快的。 - Nature had surely formed her in a partial mood.
Mood and the use of scripts: does a happy mood really lead to mindlessness?Mood and the use of scripts: Does happy mood make people really mindless?Standardized mood induction with happy and sad facial expressions.Happy mood decreases self-focused attention.Mental state decoding in past major depression: Effect of sad versus happy mood inductionCan happy mood reduce the just world bias? Affective influences on blaming the victimThe Effects of Experimentally‐Induced Sad and Happy Mood on Sexual Arousal in Sexually Healthy WomenModulatory effects of happy mood on performance monitoring: Insights from error-related brain potentialsPrediction of Happy-Sad mood from daily behaviors and previous sleep historyAlone and happy: Personality moderates the effect of happy mood on social approach