- She is an amazing hard-working woman as I am.
她和我一样,是个工作十分努力的女人。 - Management might mistrust hard-working teams simply because the upper levels can't see what their teams are doing.
The College-Student Image of the Scientist: Scientists are seen as intelligent and hard-working but also as uncultured and not inter...
Exploiting the hard-working DWARF: trojan and exploit techniques with no native executable code
Mating system and reproductive skew in a communally breeding cuckoo: hard-working males do not sire more young
The well-organized home : hard-working storage solutions for every room in the house
Hard-Working Dr. Caesar Garofoli Fueled by Love of People
Smart Girls, Hard-Working Girls but Not Yet Self-Assured Girls: The Limits of Gender Equity Politics [Abstract]
‘My late husband Mr Anua was a hard-working man’
New Labour’s Politics of the Hard-working Family
EDITORIALImpact Factor Grows, Thanks to Hard-Working Reviewers
Exploiting the hard-working DWARF: Trojan and Exploit Techniques With No Native Executable Code