Effects of temperature on hardhead minnow ( Mylopharodon conocephalus ) blood-oxygen equilibria
Movements and Reproduction of Hardhead and Sacramento Squawfish in a Small California Stream
X-cell pseudotumors in a hardhead catfish Arius felis (Ariidae) from Lake Pontchartrain, Louisiana, USA.
Vertebral deformities in hardhead catfish Ariopsis felis (Siluriformes: Ariidae) in the southeastern Mexico
Island Population Structure of the Hardhead Silverside, Atherinomorus stipes, in Belize and the Florida Keys
Juvenile and adult hardhead Mylopharodon conocephalus oxygen consumption rates: effects of temperature and swimming velocity
Shelf life enhancement of hardhead Catfish (Aris felis) patties making use of acetic acid induced gelatin of the fish proteins.
Morphological Variation in the Hardhead Silverside, Atherinomorus stipes, within and among island populations in the Belize Cays and...
Oxygen isotope composition of modern and archaeological otoliths from the estuarine hardhead catfish ( Ariopsis felis ) and their po...