Hydrogen production from butane steam reforming over Ni/Ag loaded MgAl2O4 catalystPlasminogen Activator Inhibitor-1 Promotes Synaptogenesis and Protects;Against A beta(1-42)-Induced Neurotoxicity in Primary Culture...Hugh VIII of LusignanMethyl orange removal over Zn-incorporated TiO 2 photo-catalystFacile fabrication of vertically aligned TiO2 nanorods with high density and rutile/anatase phases on transparent conducting glasses...Non-enzymatic access to the plasma membrane of Medicago root hairs by laser microsurgeryDye‐Sensitized Solar Cells: High Efficiency Solid‐State Dye‐Sensitized Solar Cells Assembled with Hierarchical Anatase Pine Tree...Laser micromanipulators for biotechnology and genome researchEfficiency improvement of dye-sensitized solar cells using graft copolymer-templated mesoporous TiO2 films as an interfacial layerAllergenic components of isolates of cladosporium herbarum