Telling young children they have a reputation for being smart promotes cheating.Yes, They Do Have a Reputation for Moaning - but Today We Should All Feel Sorry for FarmersScience & Technology: Visions of Tomorrow ; Futurologists Have a Reputation for Grand (and Untestable) Predictions. but Peter Cochra...Can Iraq Hit America? Iraqi Agents Have a Reputation for Being Ruthless Bunglers. but U.S. Intelligence Analysts Have Plenty of Reas...Do You Have a Reputation for Throwing Tantrums? Yes; NAOMI CAMPBELL CASE[Arizona growers have a reputation for producing sorghum grain of high quality.]Explore on a Shoestring ; Far-Flung Expeditions Have a Reputation for Being Extremely Expensive. Here, Robert Twigger Explains How t...Despite cold, roses can thrive ; Roses have a reputation for being high-maintenance, but that shouldn't frighten off would-be garden...NOT AS HIGH MAINTENANCE AS YOU THINK; Orchids Have a Reputation for Being Difficult, but That's Not Necessarily So, Enthusiasts SayPerspective: Never Ask German Folk How They Are; Germans Have a Reputation for Being Hard-Working, Humourless and Punctual. but Is T...