コンピュ-タ-・コ-ポラ利用による現代英米語法研究-4-"have difficulty(in)doing something"とその類義表現に於けるinの脱落についてWhy do older adults have difficulty following conversations?Why Do High-Poverty Schools Have Difficulty Staffing Their Classrooms with Qualified Teachers?Why do Alzheimer patients have difficulty with pronouns? Working memory, semantics, and reference in comprehension and production in...Do Chinese dyslexic children have difficulties learning English as a second language?Do people with schizophrenia have difficulty anticipating pleasure, engaging in effortful behavior, or both?Under what conditions do young children have difficulty inhibiting manual actions?Agricultural biotechnology: why do Europeans have difficulty accepting it?Do dyslexics have difficulty accessing articulatory information?Agricultural Biotechnology: Why Do Europeans Have Difficulty Accepting It?