Reduction of Ordered Moment and N\'eel Temperature of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets ${\mathrm{Sr}}_{2}{\mathrm{CuO}}_{3}$ a...Reduction of Ordered Moment and Néel Temperature of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets Sr2CuO3 and Ca2CuO3Reduction of Ordered Moment and N{acute e}el Temperature of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets Sr{sub 2}CuO{sub 3} and Ca{sub 2}..."One Moment in the World's Salvation": Anarchism and the Radicalization of William JamesReduction of Ordered Moment and Néel Temperature of Quasi-One-Dimensional Antiferromagnets Sr 2 CuO 3 and Ca 2 CuO 3One Fleeting MomentOne Man's Moment Shared with Entire City; SUN SOAKED LIVERPOOL WELCOMES THE OLYMPIC TORCH IN GLORIOUS FINALE CONCERT AT THE CITY'S P...How One Moment of Serendipity Began Ivor's Sinking FeelingGazza's Caught by; One Frenzied Moment and Errant Star Pays for Past IndiscretionsOne shining moment known as Clamelot: The Cedar Key story