- This operation requires the aid of an artificial heart-lung machine.
Heart-lung machineHeart-lung machine[Heart-lung machine.]Two-step postmortem angiography with a modified heart-lung machine: preliminary results.The use of the heart-lung machine in selected cases of acute myocardial infarction.Disposable membrane oxygenator (heart-lung machine) and its use in experimental surgery.APPARATUS FOR DRAINING BLOOD FROM A SURGICAL WOUND AND TRANSMISSION TO A HEART-LUNG MACHINEThe acoustic filter: an ultrasonic blood filter for the heart-lung machine.Integrated heart-lung machineComparative assessment of coagulation changes induced by two different types of heart-lung machine.Double-Helical Reservoir Heart-Lung Machine: Designed for Hypothermic Perfusion; Primed with 5% Glucose in Water; Inducing Hemodilut...Perfusion of whole animals with perfluorinated liquid emulsions using the Clark bubble-defoam heart-lung machineAdvances in the heart-lung machine after John and Mary Gibbon.