The Greek Testament, Hebraistic EditionK. Namiki : The Hebraistic Sense of Man .Calling a Spade a Spade: Measuring the Rhetorical Merit of 2 and 3 John Against Demetrius's On StyleThe comparative optative: a Homeric reminiscence in the Greek Pentateuch?Hunters’ NotebooksText, Methode und Grammatik. Wolfgang Richter zum 65. Geburtstag (review)The Skeptic Disposition선교확산을 위한 동양종교와 기독교의 접촉점 연구 - 도교(道敎)와 불교(佛敎)를 중심으로AN UNRECORDED 'ARAMAISM' IN JOSEPHUSIllustrations of Hebraistic Parallelism in Paul