Assessment of hectolitre mass (HLM) equipment and HLM measurements of oatsAssessment of variance in hectolitre mass of oats using equipment of different countriesSources of variation for yield, protein content and hectolitre mass of...Hectolitre weight as an indicator of crude protein and metabolizable energy of rust-affected Halberd wheat [as poultry feed].EFFECTS OF TESTING ENVIRONMENTS AND CROP DENSITY ON WINTER WHEAT HECTOLITRE WEIGHTInfluence of delayed seeding on yield, hectolitre weight and seed size of stubble-seeded winter wheat and rye grown in Saskatchewan.Assessment of variance in the measurement of hectolitre mass of wheat, using equipment from different grain producing and exporting ...Grain hardness, hectolitre weight, nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations of durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L.var. Durum) as influen...Sources of variation for yield, protein content and hectolitre mass of spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) cultivars of the Western ...Apparatus for determining the mass by the hectolitre (specific weight) of various products such as foodstuffs, more particularly cer...