Turn-off thyristorCHEMICAL VARIATIONS IN SODIUM GEDRITE FROM LABRADORIndole derivativesThe coexistence of jadeite-omphacite-diopside/hedenbergite in an albite-omphacite rock from the Kurosegawa zone, southwest JapanHEDENBERGITE AND EPIDOTE FROM A GRAPHITE-BEARING SKARN OF THE KAMIOKA MINE,GIFU PREFECTURE,JAPANMössbauer and µ+SR studies on hedenbergiteA model for the origin of basaltic achondrites based on the Yamato 7308 HowarditePyroxenes in the Crystallization of Basaltic MagmaVibrational spectra of dense, hydrous magnesium silicates at high pressure: Importance of the hydrogen bond angleNew clinopyroxene-liquid thermobarometers for mafic, evolved, and volatile-bearing lava compositions, with applications to lavas fro...