- It was an ordinary vase, but to save appearances, she said it was a family heirloom.
它本来是一个普通花瓶,为了装门面,她却说它是一件传家宝。 - She treasured the brooch because it was an heirloom.
Dissecting the genetic pathway to extreme fruit size in tomato using a cross between the small-fruited wild species Lycopersicon pim...
Comparison of multivariate statistical algorithms to cluster tomato heirloom accessions.
Heirloom tomato gene bank: assessing genetic divergence based on morphological, agronomic and molecular data using a Ward-modified l...
Grafting to Manage Soilborne Diseases in Heirloom Tomato Production
Comparison of organic and inorganic mulches for heirloom tomato production
EST-PCR markers representing watermelon fruit genes are polymorphic among watermelon heirloom cultivars sharing a narrow genetic base.
Objects of Memory: The Ethnography and Archaeology of Heirlooms
The Heirloom Tomato as Cultural Object: Investigating Taste and Space
10. Heirlooms and Houses Materiality and Social Memory: Social and Material Reproduction in House Societies
Heirloom Gift Wine Bag