USE OF ECHINACEA AS A HEMATINIC AGENTAre hematinic deficiencies the cause of anemia in chronic heart failure?Hematinic acid and propentdyopents from bilirubin photo‐oxidation in vitroEvaluation of an amino acid-iron chelate hematinic for the baby pigImpact of daily versus weekly hematinic supplementation on anemia in pregnant womenMethod for producing purified hematinic iron-saccharidic complex and product producedSignificant association of hematinic deficiencies and high blood homocysteine levels with burning mouth syndromeHemorrhage-adjusted iron requirements, hematinics and hepcidin define hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia as a model of hemorrhagi...Maternal erythropoietin in singleton pregnancies: a randomized trial on the effect of oral hematinic supplementation.Recurrent aphthous stomatitis: the efficacy of replacement therapy in patients with underlying hematinic deficiencies