- If I sneeze or have a bad cough, I usually consult the herbalist.
Herb drugs and herbalists in Turkey
Herbalists and wild medicinal plants in M'Sila (North Algeria): An ethnopharmacology survey
Potent topical steroid obtained from a Chinese herbalist
Healers of the Andes: Kallawaya Herbalists and Their Medicinal Plants by Joseph W. Bastien
Drug leads from the Kallawaya herbalists of Bolivia. 1. Background, rationale, protocol and anti-HIV activity
What do herbalists suggest to diabetic patients in order to improve glycemic control? Evaluation of scientific evidence and potentia...
Antimicrobial activity of some medicinal plants used by herbalists in Eastern province, Kenya.
Response to "Increased risks of upper tract urothelial carcinoma in male and female Chinese herbalists"
Increased Mortality Risk for Cancers of the Kidney
and Other Urinary Organs among Chinese Herbalists
Evaluation of radical scavenging properties of several plants, fresh or from a herbalist's, using a superoxide dismutase biosensor