don't hesitate别再犹豫了
hesitate in吞吞吐吐
The northern pocket gopher: most of what you thought you might want to know, but hesitated to look up.The physiology of human pregnancy. Ed. 2.Concerns about reporting pain and using analgesics. A comparison of persons with and without cancer.Concerns about reporting pain and using analgesics among taiwanese postoperative patientsInvolvement of interstitial cells of Cajal in the control of smooth muscle excitabilityHow to Frame Yourself: A Framing Memo for Occupy Wall StreetSYPHILIS AND VENEREAL DISEASES AS A PUBLIC HEALTH PROBLEMThe Mathematical Theory of Black Holes: Colliding WavesEurope's second demographic transition.Negotiation of Form, Recasts, and Explicit Correction in Relation to Error Types and Learner Repair in Immersion Classrooms