Porcine heterograft valve replacement in children.
Current status of porcine heterograft prostheses: a 5-year appraisal.
Aspergillus terreus infective endocarditis on a porcine heterograft valve
Prosthetic valve endocarditis. Comparison of heterograft tissue valves and mechanical valves
Evaluation of long-term results of homograft and heterograft valves in extracardiac conduits.
One‐pot synthesis of heterograft copolymers via “graft onto” by atom transfer nitroxide radical coupling chemistry
Long-term hemodynamic assessment of the porcine heterograft in the mitral position. Late development of valvular stenosis
Clinical evaluation of Epigard, a new synthetic substitute for homograft and heterograft skin.
Hemodynamic assessment of the glutaraldehyde-preserved porcine heterograft in the aortic and mitral positions
The effects of collagen fiber orientation on the flexural properties of pericardial heterograft biomaterials.