Art and Moral Values - A Pedagogical Approach Through the Hexadic Model ☆Speculative rhetoric, methodeutic, and Peirce’s hexadic sign-systems‘It Really Represents…': Rel exions on the Object in Peirce's Hexadic Sign-SystemSemantic Transfers of Values Concerning the Aesthetic Education through a Descriptive System of the Hexadic Model ☆Eminescu’s Journalistic Activity. A Hexadic Model of Situational AnalysisNumerical simulation of wind field around a hexadic-tower tall buildingApplying the Hexadic Model of Communicational Situations to TranslationPeirce's Twenty-Eight Classes of Signs and the Philosophy of Representation : Rhetoric, Interpretation and Hexadic SemiosisScale Microfossils from the Mid-Neoproterozoic Fifteenmile Group, Yukon TerritoryTIME CALCULATOR WITH MIXED RADIX SERIAL ADDER/SUBTRACTION