Differentiation of anal sphincters with high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging using contrast-enhanced fast low-angle shot 3-dim...High-resolution fast low-angle shot magnetic resonance imaging of the normal hand.High-resolution Myocardial T1 Mapping Using Single-shot Inversion-recovery Fast Low-Angle Shot MRI with Radial Undersampling and Ite...Achieving high spatial resolution and high SNR in low-field MRI of hyperpolarised gases with Slow Low Angle SHot.Image Processing Based Robot Soccer: Obtaining Multiple Robots Position and Orientation Using High-Angle Shot of CameraEffects and corrections of video camera's high angle shot to the analytical results of motion image analysisHigh angle camera shotSingle-shot high-speed signal detection by multiple-angle spectral interferometryMR evaluation of ventricular function: true fast imaging with steady-state precession versus fast low-angle shot cine MR imaging: fe...Age-related changes of the dentate nuclei in normal adults as revealed by 3D fast low angle shot (FLASH) echo sequence magnetic reso...