- To Croft's keyed senses, the sound echoed up and down the river.
在克洛夫特高度敏感的听觉听来,那声音简直震动了小河上下。 - Markets often separate high ethylene producing ethylene-producing foods from those that are sensitive to the gas.
A high accuracy ultrasonic distance measurement system using binary frequency shift-keyed signal and phase detection
Characterization of Real-Time PMD and Chromatic Dispersion Monitoring in a High-PMD 46-Gb/s Transmission System
An analysis of relations among locus of control, burnout and job satisfaction in Turkish high school teachers
Digital transmission system with high immunity to dynamic linear distortion
Performance study of Kalman adaptive equalizer for high speed data transmission over the HF channel
Simplified, high performance transceiver for phase modulated RFID applications
Oblique Plate Impact Experiments to Study the Compression-Shear Behavior of the HMX Based Explosive PBX 9501
The Reliability of Reliability: The Generality and Correlates of Intra-Individual Consistency in Responses to Structured Personality...
Examination of the Quality of Multiple-Choice Items on Classroom Tests.
An Opinion Survey of K-12 Science Teachers on the Contribution of Business and Industry to Their Classrooms and Laboratories in the ...