- The five amnesiacs in the study all had serious damage to the hippocampus.
The hippocampus as a cognitive mapThe Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map.The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map.Neurogenesis in the adult human hippocampusNeurogenesis in the adult human hippocampus. Nat Med 4:1313-1317Memory and the hippocampus: a synthesis from findings with rats, monkeys, and humans.Functional neurogenesis in the adult hippocampus: then and now.A synaptic model of memory: long-term potentiation in the hippocampusRepresentations in the Brain. (Book Reviews: The Hippocampus as a Cognitive Map)Bliss, T. V. P. & Collingridge, G. L. Asynaptic model of memory: Long-term potentiation in the hippocampus. Nature 361, 31-39