- We're buying a TV on hire-purchase.
Hire-PurchaseHire-PurchaseHire PurchaseIssues of implementing Islamic hire purchase in dual banking systems: Malaysia's experienceThe impact of chattel mortgages on the development of the Kenya law of hire purchaseThe Twilight World of Interwar British Hire PurchaseCUSTOMERS’ PERCEPTIONS OF ISLAMIC HIRE-PURCHASE FACILITY IN MALAYSIA: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSISHIRE-PURCHASE FACILITY IN MALAYSIA: AN EMPIRICAL ANALYSISIssues and Prospects of Islamic Hire Purchase Financing: Malaysian EvidenceThe Bank of England, industrial regeneration, and hire purchase between the warsHire-purchase law and practiceRACIAL DISCRIMINATION IN HIRE/PURCHASE LENDING IN APARTHEID SOUTH AFRICADiscrimination in hire‐purchase lending by retailers of consumer durables in apartheid South Africa