Masculine somatotype and hirsuteness as determinants of sexual attractiveness to womenBiosocial aspects of Ainu hirsuteness.Making Facial Hair Modern: Shaving and Hirsuteness in Post-war BritainThe Ballade of Hirsuteness of Yore, and: Morning SexThe Ballade of Hirsuteness of YoreAN EXAMPLE OF UNIVERSAL HIRSUTENESSHair today, gone tomorrow: why even Robbie can't fight evolution; Experts suggest hirsuteness is being bred outThe Ballade of Hirsuteness of Yore.(Baby Boomer Issue)(Poem)[Evaluation of the union of Delta Endotoxinas of Bacillus thuringiensis to vesicles of the intestine microhirsuteness of grubs white...Facial Masculinity and Beardedness Determine Men’s Explicit, but Not Their Implicit, Responses to Male Dominance