Hirundo leucosoma斑翅燕
Hirundo angolensis安哥拉燕
Hirundo Linnaeus燕属
Hirundo ariel彩石燕
Hirundo rupestris岩燕
Hirundo griseopyga灰腰燕
Hirundo dahurica金腰燕
Hirundo senegalensis塞内加尔燕
Hirundo cucullata大纹燕
Awidelydistributedbird(Hirundorustica) that nestsinbarnsandcavesandhas adeeplyforkedtail, a dark-blueback,andtanunderparts.
SEXUAL SELECTION IN THE BARN SWALLOW HIRUNDO RUSTICA. III. FEMALE TAIL ORNAMENTSCalibrating the telomere clock in common terns, Sterna hirundo.Ectoparasitism as a Cost of Coloniality in Cliff Swallows (Hirundo Pyrrhonota)Immunocompetence, ornamentation, and viability of male barn swallows (Hirundo rustica)SEXUAL SELECTION IN THE BARN SWALLOW (HIRUNDO RUSTICA). IV. PATTERNS OF FLUCTUATING ASYMMETRY AND SELECTION AGAINST ASYMMETRYEFFECTS OF A HAEMATOPHAGOUS MITE ON THE BARN SWALLOW (HIRUNDO RUSTICA): A TEST OF THE HAMILTON AND ZUK HYPOTHESISFemale preference for apparently symmetrical male sexual ornaments in the barn swallow Hirundo rusticaResolving genetic relationships with microsatellite markers: a parentage testing system for the swallow Hirundo rusticaResolving genetic relationships with microsatellite markers: a parentage testing system for the swallow Hirundo rustica.Testosterone effects on the immune system and parasite infestations in the barn swallow (Hirundo rustica): an experimental test of t...