- The Indians often made hit and run attacks on wagon trains.
Hit and runHit and RunHit and RunThe oncogenic potential of herpes simplex viruses: evidence for a 'hit-and-run' mechanism.Transient exposure to HIV-1 Tat protein results in cytokine production in macrophages and astrocytes. A hit and run phenomenonPolycistronic lentiviral vector for "hit and run"reprogramming of adult skin fibroblasts to induced pluripotent stem cells."Hit-and-Run"actions at dopamine receptors, part 2: Illustrating fast dissociation from dopamine receptors that typifies atypical a..."Hit-and-run"actions at dopamine receptors, part 1: Mechanism of action of atypical antipsychoticsHit-and-run mixes fastImproving Hit-and-Run for global optimization. Journal of Global Optimization, 3: 171-192Hit-and-run from a cornerHit-and-Run Algorithms for Generating Multivariate DistributionsHit-and-run from a corner