- That morning we worked from seven to eleven in the fields hoeing corn.
Hoeing implementSINGLE LEVER CONTROL FOR HOEING SCRAPER COMPONENTSEffects of inter‐row hoeing and fertilizer placement on weed growth and yield of winter wheatAgronomic evaluation of precise mechanical hoeing and chemical weed control in sugar beetEffects of hoeing and rototilling on some aspects of the population dynamics of pure stands of Portulaca oleracea L. (purslane).Yield responses of weed-free seeded onions [Allium cepa (L.)] to hoeing close to the row.A Mathematical Model of the Kinematics of a Rotating Disc for Inter- and Intra-row HoeingAssessment of tillage translocation and tillage erosion by hoeing on the steep land in hilly areas of Sichuan, ChinaAn investigation of soil translocation and erosion by conservation hoeing tillage on steep lands using a magnetic tracer.Can high densities of competitive weeds be controlled efficiently by harrowing or hoeing in agricultural crops?