- Tom hit a home run with the bases loaded.
汤姆打了一支满垒全垒打。 - The left-hander was up for just two starts, surrendering home runs in four consecutive at-bats during a 7-6 loss to the Red Sox on Sunday night.
Home Run
Home Run
Home Run
Home Run! : 6 Pack
Targeted therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: a home run or a work in progress?
Preoperative chemotherapy and split-course radiation therapy for patients with localized soft tissue sarcomas: home run, base hit, o...
Home run or wild pitch? Assessing the economic impact of Major League Baseball's All-Star Game.
“Home Run or Wild Pitch? The Economic Impact of Major League Baseball’s All-Star Game on Host Cities.”
Exploiting the apoptotic route for cancer treatment: a single hit will rarely result in a home run
SMARTVISION Hits Home Run on Miller Park's Opening Day.
Home Run or Wild Pitch?
A Bayesian Analysis of a Poisson Random Effects Model for Home Run Hitters
On the distribution of career longevity and the evolution of home-run prowess in professional baseball