- Let's chip in some money to help the homeless.
让我们捐款援助那些无家可归的人。 - A general state of need exists among the homeless.
Who are "the homeless"? Reconsidering the stability and composition of the homeless population.
Health and mental health problems of homeless men and women in Baltimore.
Identity work among the homeless: The verbal construction and avowal of personal identities.
Factors Associated With the Health Care Utilization of Homeless Persons
Housing First, consumer choice, and harm reduction for homeless individuals with a dual diagnosis.
Prevalence of severe mental disorders in disaffiliated and homeless people in inner Melbourne.
The prevalence of specific psychiatric disorders among homeless individuals in the inner city of Los Angeles.
The Prevalence of Mental Disorders among the Homeless in Western Countries: Systematic Review and Meta-Regression Analysis
The Behavioral Model for Vulnerable Populations: application to medical care use and outcomes for homeless people
Health Care and Public Service Use and Costs Before and After Provision of Housing for Chronically Homeless Persons with Severe Alco...