[Chromosomal phylogeny of man and hominian primates (attempt at reconstitution of the karyotype of the the common ancester)][Immunoglobulins evolution in man and some nonhominian primates].Pemanfaatan Homini sebagai Bahan Substitusi dalam Pembuatan Tempe Kedelai.Disquisitio theologica an homini, absque suo studio conversionis contingat gratia Dei? Quam venia max. ven. fac. theol. Ups. præsid...Disquisitio theologica an homini, absque suo studio conversionis contingat gratia Dei? ... /Inquiry of cases of myiasis by Cochliomyia hominivorax in cats of the northern, southern, western and central zones of Rio de Janeir...Aniołom i światu widowiskoHistory of the Sterile Insect TechniqueThe Onslaught of Alien Species, and Other Challenges in the Coming DecadesFrom Codeswitching via Language Mixing to Fused Lects: Toward a Dynamic Typology of Bilingual Speech.