Homogeneousness measures of a statistical collectivityHomogeneousness measures of a statistical collectivity.THE DISORDER OF HOMOGENEOUSNESS ON FILM BY AUTOMATIC X-RAY FILM PROCESSORThe Non-homogeneousness Control of Talents-cultivating Process of Higher Tourism EducationThe Non-Homogeneousness Formulation of Talents-Cultivating Process of the Hunan Higher Tourism EducationAnalysis of the Cover Effect on Homogeneousness of Heating with an Electrical Oven3-6 Non-Homogeneousness of Directional Irregular Waves Generated in a Square Basin with Side-Wall ReflectionsFrom Exclusiveness to Homogeneousness: Imagining Indigenous People in Taiwanese General HistoryRecursive Decision Tree Induction Based on Homogeneousness for Data ClusteringBoundary element approach for the analysis and design of grounding systems in presence of nonhomogeneousness