Carrion beetle responses to poikilotherm and homoiotherm carrion (Coleoptera: Silphidae) [Insects, New Jersey].Allometry of Reproduction in Poikilotherm and Homoiotherm VertebratesSome temperature characteristics and temperature adaptations of enzymes of membrane digestion in poikilothermic and homoiothermic an...[Differences in contractural character of ventricular and atrial preparations from homoiotherm hearts]112. Cytosol microviscosity and osmotic resistance of hibernator and homoiotherm erythrocytes in the state of artificial hypobiosis[Responses of contractile events to the course of the bioelectric potential of the homoiotherm myocardial fiber (cat papillary muscl...Homoiotherm medicament thermos cup[Influence of high oxygen pressure on myocardial contractility of the homoiotherm (guinea pig)][Effect of theophylline on cellular Ca metabolism of the homoiotherm][Effect of calcium and sodium ions on potassium contracture of the homoiotherm heart]