Homorganic in generative phonologyRELEASE BURST IN POLISH HOMORGANIC STOP GEMINATESNasal Homorganic Assimilation Phenomenon in YTD: An Autosegmental AnalysisHomorganic NC sequences in Kibena: Pre-nasalized consonants, consonant clusters, or something else?On the ambiguous segmental status of nasals in homorganic NC sequencesNasal Homorganic Assimilation Phenomenon in YTD. Language in India. Vol. 11: 12th December 2011. ISSN 1930-2940.Coarticulation in sequences of two nonhomorganic stop consonants: perceptual and acoustic evidence.Asimilasi Homorganik Nasal Dialek Melayu Saribas (Homorganic Nasal Assimilation in Saribas Malay Dialect)Homorganic clusters as moric busters in the history of English: the case of -ld, -nd, -mb : History of Englishes New Methods and Int...The Use of Voice Onset Time by Early Bilinguals to Distinguish Homorganic Stops in Canadian English and Canadian French.