Characteristics of cyclic nucleotide dependent regulation of cytoplasmic E2 binders in cultured endometrial and breast cellsFaculty perceptions of problems with merit pay plans in institutions of higher education2,3-quinoxalinediones for use as neurolepticsInduction of alkaline phosphatase by butyrate in differentiating human endometrial cellsMitonucleons formed during differentiation of Ishikawa endometrial cells generate vacuoles that elevate monolayer syncytia: Differen...Unusual characteristics of opaque Ishikawa endometrial cells include the envelopment of chromosomes with material containing endogen...Pyknotic chromatin in mitonucleons elevating in syncytia undergo karyorhhexis and karyolysis before coalescing into an irregular chr...US employment discrimination cases: does race/gender matter?Is Justice blind? Examining the relationship between Presidential appointments of judges and outcomes in employment discrimination c...Polyploid monolayer Ishikawa endometrial cells form unicellular hollow spheroids capable of migration