- He stiffened at the horrific sight.
他看到那恐怖的情景吓呆了。 - The film showed the most horrific murder scenes.
那部影片有极恐怖的谋杀场面。 - We had a horrific trip.
Horrific Love in Toni Morrison's Fiction
Horrific Blindness: Images of Death in Contemporary Media
Horrific Comedy: Cultural Resistance and the Hauka Movement in Niger
Effects of Horrific Fear Appeals on Public Attitudes Towards AIDS
Cutting Edge:Art-Horror and the Horrific Avant-garde
Cutting Edge: Art-Horror and the Horrific Avant-garde
Doctors from hell: the horrific account of Nazi experiments on humans.
Charming Cadavers: Horrific Figurations of the Feminine in Indian Buddhist Hagiographic Literature
Mad Men in Bib Overalls: Media’s Horrification and Pornification of Rural Culture
"Silences Too Horrific to Disturb": Writing Sexual Histories in Edwidge Danticat's "Breath, Eyes, Memory"