A horsefly saliva antigen 5-like protein containing RTS motif is an angiogenesis inhibitor.
A review of the South African horsefly fauna (Diptera: Tabanidae).
Anti-thrombosis repertoire of blood-feeding horsefly salivary glands.
Paleoecology of Eocene lacustrine varves at Horsefly, British Columbia
An unexpected advantage of whiteness in horses: the most horsefly-proof horse has a depolarizing white coat
Transmission of South American Trypanosoma vivax by the neotropical horsefly Tabanus nebulosus
Anaphylaxis induced by horsefly bites: identification of a 69 kd IgE-binding salivary gland protein from Chrysops spp. (Diptera, Tab...
Calibration of Eocene varves at Horsefly, British Columbia, Canada, and temporal distribution of specimens of the Eocene fish Amyzon...
Taphonomic variations in Eocene fish-bearing varves at Horsefly, British Columbia, reveal 10 000 years of environmental change
Identification of Anticoagulant Activities in Salivary Gland Extracts of Four Horsefly Species (Diptera, Tabanidae)