Nonhumidified Intermediate Temperature Fuel Cells Using Protic Ionic LiquidsMembrane Fuel Cell Countercurrent-Fed With Non-Humidified AirHeated, humidified high-flow nasal cannula therapy: yet another way to deliver continuous positive airway pressure?Photocatalyzed Oxidation of Ethanol and Acetaldehyde in Humidified AirBeneficial effects of humidified high flow nasal oxygen in critical care patients: a prospective pilot studyDelayed crystallization of amorphous sucrose in humidified freeze dried model systemsEffects of Heated-Humidified Anesthetic Gas in the Elderly Patients with Colorectal Cancer during Laparoscopic Surgery: Randomized C...Heated and humidified inspired gas through heated humidifiers in comparison to non-heated and non-humidified gas in hospitalised neo...Predicting Particle Critical Supersaturation from Hygroscopic Growth Measurements in the Humidified TDMA. Part II: Laboratory and Am...Heterogeneous photocatalytic oxidation of benzene, toluene, cyclohexene and cyclohexane in humidified air: comparison of decompositi...