- He was still standing on the hummock piping the fife in the long dusk.
hummockSubsurface drainage from hummock-covered hillslopes in the Arctic tundraAn Apparent Frost Hummock‐Sorted Polygon Cycle in the Alpine Tundra of WyomingVertical zonation of Sphagnum mosses along hummock-hollow gradientsDecay Potential of Hummock and Hollow Sphagnum peats at Different Depths in a Swedish Raised BogDeepened snow alters soil microbial nutrient limitations in arctic birch hummock tundraResource pulses and mammalian dynamics: conceptual models for hummock grasslands and other Australian desert habitats.Deeper Snow Enhances Winter Respiration from Both Plant-associated and Bulk Soil Carbon Pools in Birch Hummock TundraFluctuations of rodent populations in response to rainfall and fire in a central Australian hummock grassland dominated by Plectrach...Temperature and rainfall variation in the holocene based on comparative palaeoecology and isotope geology of a hummock and a hollow ...