Complementary hydropathy identifies a cellular prion protein receptorDistribution and complementarity of hydropathy in mutisunit proteinsThe correlation of protein hydropathy with the base composition of coding sequences.Amino acid size, charge, hydropathy indices and matrices for protein structure analysisAmino acid volume and hydropathy of a transmembrane site determine glycine and anesthetic sensitivity of glycine receptorsQuantitative comparison of the ability of hydropathy scales to recognize surface β‐strands in proteinsEstimation of structural similarity of membrane proteins by hydropathy profile alignment.Erratum to: “The correlation of protein hydropathy with the base composition of coding sequences” [Gene 238 (1999) 3–14]Plasmodium falciparum: Gene structure and hydropathy profile of the major merozoite surface antigen (gp195) of the Uganda-Palo Alto...A web-based program (WHAT) for the simultaneous prediction of hydropathy, amphipathicity, secondary structure and transmembrane topo...