hydropower station水电站
hydropower engineering水利水电工程;水力工程学;水利工程
- Damming rivers for hydropower plants has devastated river systems, submerged farmland and displaced thousands of people.
拦河筑坝,建立水力发电厂,破坏了河川生态体系,淹没农田,并使数千人被迫迁居他乡。 - The logistical and environmental hurdles involved in executing these dams underscore China's commitment to hydropower.
Algorithms for Optimizing Hydropower System OperationOptimization of Large-Scale Hydropower System OperationsPresent situation and future prospect of hydropower in ChinaThe impact of global change on the hydropower potential of Europe: a model-based analysisCompact-sized generation of appreciable hydropower through centrifuge-induced gravity effectsTrading-off Fish Biodiversity, Food Security and Hydropower in the Mekong River BasinTrading-off fish biodiversity, food security, and hydropower in the Mekong River Basin.Sustainable reservoir operation: can we generate hydropower and preserve ecosystem values?Economic Value of Long-Lead Stream-Flow Forecasts for Columbia River HydropowerZiv G, Baran E, Nam S, and Rodriguez-Iturbe I. Trading-off fish biodiversity, food security, and hydropower in the Mekong River Basi...