Truck Dispatch of Hypaethral Mine Model
Towards new competitive electricity markets based on information transparency: Hypaethral market
From hypaethral depots to hypaethral exhibitions: Casting light on architecture and society in 4th-3rd cent. B.C. Delphi
The Roof-Adding Reconstruction Design of the Hypaethral Trestle
Optimization of Hypaethral Mining Based on Meliorative Genetic Algorithm
The hypaethral bodkin type's fermentation's container brews the carbon dioxide saturation of beer
"The effect of semi-hypaethral spaces on residential thermal loads in a shifting Greek regulatory context"
A survey instrument for assessing the cognitive association of sex, love, and marriage
Application and Evaluation of Object-Oriented Technology in High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image Classification
Byblos in the Third Millennium B. C.: A Reconstruction of the Stratigraphy and a Study of the Cultural Connections by Muntaha Saghieh