- With age increasing,the diopter of these subjects had a tendency of hypermetropia from myopia.
Hypermetropia[Hypermetropia].HypermetropiaHypermetropia of small animals and chromatic aberrationHypermetropia in dark reared chicks and the effect of lid sutureAccommodative convergence in hypermetropia.Noorden GK, Avilla CW. Accommodative convergence in hypermetropiaAugmented surgery for esotropia associated with high hypermetropiaThree-year follow-up of the Artisan phakic intraocular lens for hypermetropiaResults of a randomised trial of treating abnormal hypermetropia from the age of 6 months.Association between accommodative accuracy, hypermetropia, and strabismus in children with Down's syndromeEffect of spectacles on changes of spherical hypermetropia in infants who did, and did not, have strabismus.Wavefront aberrations following laser in situ keratomileusis and refractive lens exchange for hypermetropia.