- This is a purely hypothetical situation.
这纯粹是一种假设的情景。 - Let me put a hypothetical question to you.
让我问你一个假设的问题。 - It must be emphasized that these estimates are hypothetical.
My hypothetical data for linear regression (.xlsx)
On a distinction between hypothetical constructs and intervening variables.
Waiting for a hypothetical asylum: The photographic coverage of the Maximilian Park in Brussels
The leucine zipper: a hypothetical structure common to a new class of DNA binding proteins.
Within-subject comparison of real and hypothetical money rewards in delay discounting
Production of a hypothetical polyene substance by activating a cryptic fungal PKS-NRPS hybrid gene in Monascus purpureus
Impulsivity and rapid discounting of delayed hypothetical rewards in cocaine-dependent individuals.
Hypothetical LOC387715 is a second major susceptibility gene for age-related macular degeneration, contributing independently of com...
What Experimental Protocol Influence Disparities Between Actual and Hypothetical Stated Values?
Structural properties and electronic structure of low-compressibility materials: beta -Si3N4 and hypothetical beta -C3N4.