The moraic iambS-IAMB Algorithm for Markov Blanket DiscoveryPerinatal Iamb mortality in a purebred Southdown flock.An Improved IAMB Algorithm for Markov Blanket DiscoveryChanges in the lungs of the newborn IambBeyond "Loose Iamb": The Fom and Themes of the English "Dolknik"Callimachus' second "iamb"and its predecessors: framing the boxChanges in the ST waveform of the fetal Iamb electrocardiogramFRAMING THE FOX: CALLIMACHUS' SECOND "IAMB"AND ITS PREDECESSORSECG‐changes in the fetal Iamb during asphyxia in relation to beta‐adrenoceptor stimulation and blockade