ianthina Keng堇色早熟禾
Poa ianthina堇色早熟禾
Elsholtzia ianthina细穗香薷
Pteraeolidia ianthina紫色变翼海蛞蝓
The genus Ianthina, a monographOn Some Small Ianthina Janthina (L.) Stranded on the Isles of Scilly, 1957A contribution to the biology of Ianthina janthina (L.)Some observations on the reproductive tract of Ianthina janthina (L.)Specklinia integripetala and S. ianthina spp. nov. (Orchidaceae–Pleurothallidinae) from northeastern BrazilStudies on chemical constituents from tibetan medicine Elsholtzia. ianthinaHidden Diversity in a Reef-Dwelling Sea Slug, Pteraeolidia ianthina (Nudibranchia, Aeolidina), in the Northwestern PacificDiversity of Symbiodinium dinoflagellate symbionts from the Indo-Pacific sea slug Pteraeolidia ianthina (Gastropoda: Mollusca)FEEDING PREFERENCES AND RATES OF THE SNAIL, IANTHINA PROLONGATA, THE BARNACLE, LEPAS ANSERIFERA, THE NUDIBRANCHS, GLAUCUS ATLANTICUS...Isolation of New Symbiodinium Strains from Tridacnid Giant Clam ( Tridacna crocea ) and Sea Slug ( Pteraeolidia ianthina ) Using Cu...