imbricationimbricationImbricationPre-, syn-, and post-imbrication deformation of carbonate slices along...On sociomaterial imbrications: What plagiarism detection systems reveal and why it matters.Debating Sociomateriality: Entanglements, imbrications, disentangling, and agential cutsRationale for consistency in the use of enamel surface terms: perikymata and imbricationsTectonostratigraphic imbrications along strike-slip major shear zones: an example from the Early Carboniferous of SW European Varisc...Gravelly Gilbert-type fan delta on the Conway Coast, New Zealand: Foreset depositional processes and clast imbricationsReconstruction of periodicity of repetitive linear enamel hypoplasia from perikymata counts on imbricational enamel among dry‐adapt...