- Such lies are immoral and unethical.
这种谎言是不道德的。 - Sex outside marriage is usually immoral.
Why Abortion is Immoral
Point of view: Ambush marketing: Immoral or imaginative practice?
Immoral Actions of Committed Organizational Participants: An Existential Psychoanalytic Perspective
Fair Computation of General Functions in Presence of Immoral Majority
Fair Computation of General Functions in Presence of Immoral Majority
Fair Computation of General Functions in Presence of Immoral Majority
The Third-Person Effect Perceptions of the Media's Influence and Immoral Consequences
Children’s Judgments of Disloyal and Immoral Peer Behavior: Subjective Group Dynamics in Minimal Intergroup Contexts
Children's Moral Motive Strength and Temperamental Inhibition Reduce Their Immoral Behavior in Real Moral Conflicts
Moral rationalization and the integration of situational factors and psychological processes in immoral behavior.