Neuroendocrine regulation of immunity. Annu Rev Immun, 20, 125-163Kaisho T, Akira SToll-like receptor function and signaling. J Allergy Clin Immun 117:979-987Unravelling methanogenesis in ruminants, horses and kangaroos: the links between gut anatomy, microbial biofilms and host immunityThe Role of Thymus-Expressed Chemokine and Its Receptor CCR9 on Lymphocytes in the Regional Specialization of the Mucosal Immune Sys...Interleukin 10 and transforming growth factor beta cooperate to induce anti-CD40-activated naive human B cells to secrete immunoglob...A prospective controlled study of magnetic resonance imaging of the brain in gay men and parenteral drug users with human immunodefi...Words of wisdom. Re: overall survival analysis of a phase II randomized controlled trial of a Poxviral-based PSA-targeted immunother...Separation of helper T cells from suppressor T cells expressing different Ly components. II. Activation by antigen: after immunizati...Bonizzi, G., Karin, M., Yamamoto, Y. & Wang, Q. M. The two NF-B activation pathways and their role in innate and adaptive immunity...High prevalence of multidrug resistant international clones among macrolide resistant Streptococcus pneumoniae strains in immunocomp...