Alcohol and energy drinks - Can consumption of the two drinks at the same time impair a person's ability to drive?[Opioids and driving ability]Medicinal Dose of Water-Based Kava Extract Does Not Impair Driving AbilityDoes apnea impair your patient's ability to drive?(Pulmonary Medicine)Inhaled patient-administered nitrous oxide/oxygen mixture does not impair driving ability when used as analgesia during screening fl...Antihistamines and driving ability: Evidence from 30 years Dutch on-road driving researchClearly impaired driving ability in patients with sleep apneaScanlon's Past Includes Conviction for Driving While Ability ImpairedAntihistamines and driving ability: evidence from on-the-road driving studies during normal traffic.Effects of Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis on Driving Ability, Memory Functioning, Sustained Attention, and Quality of Life